Lost For Words. Australia's Lost Language In Words And Stories

Lunn Hugh

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Cover Type: Softcover
Book Condition: Very Good
Jacket Condition: None Issued
Publisher: ABC Books
Publisher Place: Sydney
Publisher Year: 2007
Edition: Reprint

Description: 347 pages. Book is in Very good condition throughout.

Publishers Description: Strike a light! things are crook in tallarook! Hugh Lunn has been collecting old words and phrases that are no longer a part of our everyday language, and has brought them together in a book in a totally unique, informative and humorous way. Divided into themes (such as Mother's advice, things about the house, Argy bargy, trouble at work) words and phrases are placed into context in mini-stories that will have you chuckling and remembering a time when these sayings were a rich part of your life.

ISBN: 9780733317590


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