New and Updated Category Page
Author: Marlowes Date Posted:15 July 2016
Category Page Update - We have re-desgined our "Category" page and made this much clearer and more precise when browsing the various subjects which we have to offer.
The new page is divided into three sections, Features, Subjects and Collections. Each one of these three sections is also divided up between our New books department and Used books.
Features - This allows you to bascially browse Hardcovers, Softcovers, Cheap, Expesnive and the various Features of a particular type of book.
Subjects - Displays all our subjects and categories in an easy to read format. Underneath each header are examples of what is included in each genre. eg Our Australian category includes books on - Aboriginal, Biographies, Fiction, History, Legal, Politics...
Collections - This is still a "work in progress" and will be regularly updated with specific collections which we come accross. Our collections might include one particular category or a special set of titles or authors.
To view our new Category Page
We will also be refining and adding some new categories over the next few weeks. We do realize that some our current categories are a bit "over crowded" or certain subjects combined, when they should really be seperated. Categories are tricky with books. This is due to the numbers involved and for a fair few titles whcih can easily be in several categories. Categories are very important to us and to list and display our books as accuratly as possible.
We hope you find our new category page easier to navigate. We always welcome your suggestions and feedback, please feel free to Contact us.
The Team @ Marlowes