Performing Arts

Midnight Oil

Michael Lawrence


Naughty Shakespeare

Macrone Michael


The Tragedy Of King Lear

Shakespeare William, Halio L. Jay


Making Music

Platt Norman


The Oxford Companion To Australian Film

Mcfarlane Brian, Geoff Mayer, Ina Bertrand


Film Art. An Introduction

Bordwell David, Thompson Kristin




Hogwood Christopher


Total XS

Hutchence Rhett


History Of Western Music

Grout Jay Donald, Palisca V. Claude


Madam Butterfly. An Opera In Two Acts

Puccini Giacomo, Palmer Kim


The Anthropology Of Music

Merriam P Alan


Hendrix On Hendrix

Roby Steven


Total XS

Hutchence Rhett


Rock Music Styles. A History

Charlton Katherine
