A Treasury Of Favourite Australian Poems


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Cover Type: Hardcover
Book Condition: Very Good
Jacket Condition: Very Good
Publisher: Currey O'Neil
Publisher Place: Melbourne
Publisher Year: 1982
Edition: First Edition

Description: 131 pages. Book and Jacket are both in Very good condition throughout. The only exception is a small inscription to the inside page.

Publishers Description: The poems that have come to be favourites of Australians have,through the years, been sifted by our emotions and have left achord of recognition in our hearts.They strike truly, not only through fine words and sentiments, but because they rebind us to our beginnings and appeal to our senseof adventure, of humour and humanity or our love of the land.Our poetic tradition is close to the people — in rollicking ballads,in the rough hewn language of the country and often with a broadstrain of humour.Many of the classics are by past heroes of Australian verse andprose — such as Henry Lawson, A.B. "Banjo" Paterson, AdamLindsay Gordon and Henry Kendall. Some, by the poets of therecent past and today — like Judith Wright, A.D. Hope, KennethSlessor, Rosemary Dobson and Roland Robinson — have movedinto the same area of recognition.This presentation of favourite poems will stir the hazy index offirst lines that we carry in our heads . . .There was movement at the station . . .Out on the wastes of the Never Never . . .Our Andys gone with cattle now . . .South of my days circle . . .. . . and complete these half loved, half remembered poems that have permeated our lives and become part of our countrys storeof treasures.

ISBN: 0859022242


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