Australian Agriculture. The Complete Reference On Rural Industry

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Cover Type: Hardcover
Book Condition: Fine
Jacket Condition: None Issued
Publisher: Morescope
Publisher Place: Australia
Publisher Year: 1995
Edition: Fifth Edition

Description: 512 pages. Book appears to have hardly been read and is in Fine condition throughout.

Publishers Description: Agriculture in Australia: first 200 years - in the Australian economy - agricultural policy - climate - education - envirnmental issues - research - soil resources - sustainable agriculture - water resources. Chapt 2. Livestock industries: aquaculture - dairy - deer- eggs - goats - honey - meat - native livestcok - ostrich - pig meat - poultry - wool. Chapt 3. Livestock breed sin Australia: beef cattle - camelid breeds - dairy cattle - deer species - goats breeds - pig breeds - sheep. Chapt 4. Cropping industries: coarse grains - cotton - forestry - grain legumes - oilseeds - pasture & seed - rice - sugar - tobacco - wheat. Chapt 5. Horticultural industries: Apple and pear - berry crops - beverage crops - brassica crops - citrus - cucurbit crops - cut flowers - mushrooms - nuts - onion, garlic & leek - solanaceae crops - subtropical fruit - vegetable crops - winegrapes. Chapt 6. Agribusiness sector: farm chemicals - fertilisers - irrigation - rural valuations - tractors & machinery - National Farmers Federation - Statistics of rural industries - diary of events. Maps of Australia Agriculture: cattle - coarse grains - cotton - dairy - fat lamb - improved pastures - median annual rainfall - pigs - rice - sheep - wheat.

ISBN: 064623126x


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