Doctor Who And The Space War No. 57.
Hulke Malcolm
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Cover Type: Softcover
Book Condition: Very Good
Jacket Condition: None Issued
Publisher: W. H. Allen And Co Ltd
Publisher Place: London
Publisher Year: 1984
Edition: Reprint
Description: 142 pages. Book is in Very good condition throughout. The only exception is a small inscription to the inside page. The Year Is 2540, And Two Powers Loom Large In The Galaxy- Earth And Draconia. After Years Of Peace, Their Spaceships Are Now Being Mysteriously Attacked And Cargoes Rifed.
Publishers Description: Doctor! screamed Jo. Look at that thing. Its coming straight at us! A small, black spaceship, about a mile away, was approaching rapidly. It had no lights, no markings. But some instinct told Jo that the tiny craft meant danger.The year is 2540, and two powers loom large in the galaxyEarth and Draconia. After years of peace, their spaceships are now being mysteriously attacked and cargoes rifled. Each suspects the other and fullscale war seems unavoidable.The Doctor, accused of being a Draconian spy, is thrown into prison. And only when the Master appears on the scene do things really begin to move Geoffrey Beevers, who played an incarnation of the Master in the classic BBC TV Doctor Who series, reads Malcolm Hulkes complete and unabridged novelization, based on the TV adventure Frontier in Space and first published by Target Books in 1976.
ISBN: 9780426110330