Earth Time. Essays
Suzuki David
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Cover Type: Softcover
Book Condition: Fine
Jacket Condition: None Issued
Publisher: Allen & Unwin
Publisher Place: Sydney
Publisher Year: 1998
Edition: First Edition
Description: 270 pages. Book appears to have hardly been read and is in Fine condition throughout.
Publishers Description: Are we going too fast to stop? Is there another way? In this new collection of essays David Suzuki points the way to a slower way of life, more in tune with the Earth and its riches. As we rush towards the end of the millennium, we find ourselves in a time of unprecedented change and growth - in population, in consumerism, in pollution, in information exchange. Are these changes happening too fast? Is it too late to stop and assess? In Earth Time, David Suzuki takes stock and points the way to a better world and a brighter future for our children and grandchildren. He looks unflinchingly at the forces that have driven us to the edge: globalisation, political shortsightedness, greed and willful blindness. And he looks at the places from which we should take strength and hope: nature, nurturing of the Earth, local initiatives and children. David Suzuki is the internationally renowned author of The Sacred Balance, Inventing the Future and Wisdom of the Elders. He is a broadcaster, host of CBC TV's 'The Nature of Things', and the director of the David Suzuki Foundation, an organisation dedicated to addressing worldwide environmental issues. He lives and works in Vancouver and Toronto.
ISBN: 9781864489415