Hearts In Atlantis

King Stephen

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Cover Type: Hardcover
Book Condition: Very Good
Jacket Condition: Very Good
Publisher: Hodder & Stoughton
Publisher Place: London
Publisher Year: 1999
Edition: First Edition

Description: 499 pages. Book and Jacket are both in Very good condition throughout. The Only Exception Is A Small Inscription To The Inside Page And A Small Printers Mark Under Top Edge Of Jacket. Five Sequential Narratives Set In The Years From 1960-1999. Each Story Is Deeply Rooted In The Sixties, And Each Is Haunted By The Vietnam War.

Publishers Description: Taking its cue from the fractured times it describes between 1960 and today, each beautifully interwoven tale is deeply rooted in the sixties, each is haunted by the Vietnam war. This is a book about a group of peers from small-town Harwich, Connecticut: in 1960, there's a newcomer to the town, who introduces Bobby Garfield to the joy of reading and the horrors of 'low men in yellow coats'; by 1966, it's bellbottom pants, pot, patchouli and peace-signs and at Maine University, Pete, who has fallen victim to the addictive game of 'hearts in Atlantis', will learn a lesson in humanity; by 1983, 'Nam vet 'Blind Willie' is paying penance; in 1999, there are reunions, funerals, and the eternal questions - 'why we're in Vietnam'; a year later, Bobby comes home to where his heart is, where the past is always present, as 'Heavenly Shades of Night are Falling'.

ISBN: 9780340738900


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