Hutchinson Trends in Science. Biology

Thompson Catherine

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Cover Type: Softcover
Book Condition: Fine
Jacket Condition: None Issued
Publisher: Helicon Publishing Ltd
Publisher Place: Oxford
Publisher Year: 2001
Edition: First Edition

Description: 276 pages. Book appears to have hardly been read and is in Fine condition throughout.

Publishers Description: The modern fast-moving world of science will have far-reaching impacts on our lives. This work should be useful reading for anyone who wants to know more about how their future will be affected, as well as providing accessible and stimulating material for secondary school and college students. This title examines the major discoveries and innovations in biology since the turn of the 20th century and highlights the prospects for the 21st century. It contains a chronology of major milestones, biographies of the most important scientists and lists of Websites and organizations.

ISBN: 9781859863671


276 pages. Book appears to have hardly been read and is in Fine condition throughout.

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