Infamy. Pearl Harbour And Its Aftermath
Toland John
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Cover Type: Hardcover
Book Condition: Very Good
Jacket Condition: Very Good
Publisher: Methuen
Publisher Place: London
Publisher Year:
Edition: First Edition
Description: 366 pages. Ex-Library. Book and Jacket are both in Very good condition throughout. This Is The Startling Account Of One Of The Greatest Cover Ups In American History. Shortly After The Devastating Japanese Attack On Pearl Harbour, A Hastily Convened Ivestigatory Committee Blamed The Two Commanders Of Hawaii's Military Installations, Admiral Kimmel And General Short, For The Unpreparedness That Had Virtually Sacrificed The Pacific Fleet.
Publishers Description: A revealing and controversial account of the events surrounding Pearl HarborPulitzer Prize-winning author John Toland presents evidence that FDR and his top advisors knew about the planned Japanese attack but remained silent.Infamy reveals the conspiracy to cover up the facts and find scapegoats for the greatest disaster in United States military history.
ISBN: 0413498204