Leading The Team Organization. How To Create An Enduring Competitive Advantage

Tjosvold Dean, Tjosvold Mary

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Cover Type: Hardcover
Book Condition: Very Good
Jacket Condition: Very Good
Publisher: Lexington Books
Publisher Place: Usa
Publisher Year: 1991
Edition: First Edition

Description: 198v pages. Book and Jacket are both in Very good condition throughout. The only exceptions are a small inscription and age marks to the inside page.

Publishers Description: Managers recognize that a good team organization can be the most valuable of their firms competitive advantages. Lucrative markets draw competitors, efficient technology is copied, profitable products lose their appeal, but a well-run team organization continues to introduce new technologies, find new markets, create new products, and improve service to clients. However, as Dean and Mary Tjosvold reveal, there is a significant shortage both of strong leaders and of strong teams in corporate America today. Most employees are reluctant to step forward and take charge, because they doubt they have the ability to turn an organization around.The Tjosvolds present here a model for creating, leading and participating in teams that illustrates that only by working in teams throughout the organizational structure can a company reach its potential. They further demonstrate how to invlolve supervisors, middle managers and unions in productive teams and how organizations can use teams effectively to generate innovative programs or to solve specific problems. A case study runs through the book that illustrates precisely how the team-building model can be applied.Leading the Team Organization is a valuable guide that will enable leaders and followerss to empower each other to achieve common goals and create more profitable and successful organizations.

ISBN: 9780669279726


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