Maggie. Her Fatal Legacy
Sergeant John
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Cover Type: Softcover
Book Condition: Very Good
Jacket Condition: None Issued
Publisher: Macmillan
Publisher Place: London
Publisher Year: 2005
Edition: First Edition
Description: 384 pages. Book is in Very good condition throughout. The only exception is tha tthe dozen pages have been affected by moisture in the top corner, does not intefere with text or reading.
Publishers Description: John Sergeants long career as a political journalist has been inextricably linked with Margaret Thatcher since the night he stood on the steps of the British Embassy in November 1990 and announced to 13 million viewers that the Prime Minister would not be coming out of the Embassy to speak to the massed ranks of the worlds press. As his broadcast continued, it was plain to all 13 million that Mrs Thatcher, having learned that she had lost the first round of the leadership contest that would cost her her premiership, was walking down the steps behind him. Maggie is John Sergeants mordant analysis of Thatchers life and career, bringing to bear his trademark wit and keen sense of the absurd but also his deep understanding of the British political arena and an insight born of thirty years reporting on events in Westminster. His access to those who worked for her, with her, and against her is unique and his riveting book offers both a fresh appraisal of a woman who changed British politics forever and a powerful account of her legacy and her political heirs, be they new Labour or Ian Duncan Smith.Lead Macmillan non-fiction title for March. Give Me Ten Seconds was a Top 10 hardback and paperback best seller, with sales of over 200,000 copies and backlisting.
ISBN: 9781405047340