Master Works Decorative And Functional Art
Milner Sally
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Cover Type: Hardcover
Book Condition: Fine
Jacket Condition: Fine
Publisher: Sally Milner Publishing
Publisher Place: Bowral
Publisher Year: 2000
Edition: First Edition
Description: 196 pages. Book and Jacket appear to have hardly been read and are both in Fine condition throughout. Embroidery, Cross Stitch, Silk Ribbon, Lace, Quilting, Weaving, Rag Rugs, Collectables.
Publishers Description: On display--some of the world's highest quality examples of decorative and functional arts specialties, interpreted by leading embroiderers, quilters, textile artists, and other needleworkers. All new, all original, all breathtakingly innovative, these exquisitely worked designs from 38 top creators include a variety of embroidered landscapes and flower gardens; silk ribbon and embroidered wildflowers; romantic and nostalgic heirlooms; traditional needlepoint lace and needlelace; woolen strands and enriched quilting; sculptured forms and exotic textures; rag rugs and woven floorcoverings. If you're a needleworker, you'll want to try many new areas. First, browse the dozens of colorful projects. Then study the descriptions of how each work was created. Finally, follow the material requirements and the practical instructions to reproduce each design.
ISBN: 9781863512756