Miracle in Korea. The Evacuation of X Corps from the Hungnan Beachhead

Cowart Glenn C.

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Cover Type: Hardcover
Book Condition: As New
Jacket Condition: As New
Publisher: University Of Carolina Press
Publisher Place: South Carolina
Publisher Year: 1992
Edition: First Edition

Description: 130 pages. Book and Jacket appear to have hardly been read and are both in As new condition throughout.

Publishers Description: A gross miscalculation of Chinese intentions and unwise deployment of troop units, along with sub-zero temperatures and malfunctioning weapons and equipment, brought the U.S. Tenth Corps to the brink of disaster. The Marine division, against overwhelming odds, broke free of Chinese encirclement and fought its way from the Chosin Reservoir to Chinhung-ni. In that forlorn village, 43 miles from the sea, the burden of holding off the Chinese army passed to the men of the untested 3d Infantry Division. In a series of skillfully executed withdrawals the 3d Division manned the perimeter defenses at Hungnam long enough to permit the withdrawal of 87,000 American and Republic of Korea troops, all of their equipment, and 86,000 civilians who wished to leave North Korea.

ISBN: 9780872498297


130 pages. Book and Jacket appear to have hardly been read and are both in As new condition throughout.

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