The Private Patient
James P. D
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Cover Type: Softcover
Book Condition: Very Good
Jacket Condition: None Issued
Publisher: Faber And Faber
Publisher Place: London
Publisher Year: 2008
Edition: Reprint
Description: 395 pages. Book is in Very good condition throughout. Going Into A Private Clinic For A Long Awaited Facial Scar Operation, Rhoda Looked Forward To A Complete Recovery. She Never Came Out Alive
Publishers Description: When the notorious investigative journalist Rhoda Gradwyn booked into Mr Chandler-Powells private clinic in Dorset for the removal of a disfiguring and long-standing facial scar, she had every prospect of a successful operation by a distinguished surgeon, a weeks peaceful convalescence in one of Dorsets most beautiful manor houses and the beginning of a new life. She was never to leave Cheverell Manor alive. Dalgliesh and his team are called in to investigate the murder, and later a second death, which are to raise even more complicated problems than the question of innocence or guilt. A new detective novel by P. D. James is always keenly awaited and The Private Patient will undoubtedly equal the success of her worldwide bestseller The Lighthouse. It displays the qualities which P. D. Jamess readers have come to expect: a masterly psychological and emotional richness of characterisation, a vivid evocation of place and a credible and exciting mystery. The Private Patient is a powerful work of contemporary fiction. Read the opening of P.D. James new detective novel The Private Patient here: On November the 21st, the day of her forty-seventh birthday, and three weeks and two days before she was murdered, Rhoda Gradwyn went to Harley Street to keep a first appointment with her plastic surgeon, and there in a consulting room designed, so it appeared, to inspire confidence and allay apprehension, made the decision which would lead inexorably to her death. Later that day she was to lunch at the Ivy. The timing of the two appointments was fortuitous. Mr Chandler-Powell had no earlier date to offer and the luncheon later with Robin Boyton, booked for twelve forty-five, had been arranged two months previously; one did not expect to get a table at the Ivy on impulse. She regarded neither appointment as a birthday celebration. This detail of her private life, like much else, was never mentioned. She doubted whether Robin had discovered her date of birth,
ISBN: 9780571242450