The Return Of The Naked Chef

Oliver Jamie

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Cover Type: Hardcover
Book Condition: Fine
Jacket Condition: Fine
Publisher: Michael Joseph/Penquin
Publisher Place: London
Publisher Year: 2000
Edition: First Edition

Description: 285 pages. Book and Jacket appear to have hardly been read and are both in Fine condition throughout.

Publishers Description: Britains most exciting chef ...[he] is being tipped as the next Delia Smith - "Daily Mail". The bestselling, brilliant young chef is back with a second book to accompany a major BBC TV series. There is no doubt that Jamie Oliver has captured the heart of the nation with his passion for simple, delicious, home-cooked food. His talent is huge, his style relaxed and his fans just want more! So here it is ...another book filled with fresh ingredients, pukka recipes and boundless enthusiasm. Get stuck in with Jamie!

ISBN: 9780718144395


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