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Cover Type: Softcover
Book Condition: Very Good
Jacket Condition: None Issued
Publisher: Vintage
Publisher Place: London
Publisher Year: 2011
Edition: First Edition

Description: 822 pages. Book is in Very good condition throughout.

Publishers Description: First published in Paris in 1949, The Second Sex by Simone de Beavoir was a groundbreaking, risqué book that became a runaway success. Selling 20,000 copies in its first week, the book earned its author both notoriety and admiration.Since then, The Second Sex has been translated into forty languages and has become a landmark in the history of feminism. Required reading for anyone who believes in the equality of the sexes, the central messages of The Second Sex are as important today as they were for the housewives of the forties.

ISBN: 9780099499381


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