They Called Me Mr. Bonanza

Ball A. Larry

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Cover Type: Hardcover
Book Condition: Very Good
Jacket Condition: Good
Publisher: Mccormick Armstrong Co
Publisher Place: Usa
Publisher Year: 1990
Edition: First Edition

Description: 521 pages. Jacket is in general good condition. There is some light reading wear present, but still a presentable copy. Book is in Very good condition throughout. Signed by Author

Publishers Description: They Called Me Mr. Bonanza is in some respects acontinuation of my first book, "Those Incomparable Bonanzas." We do have asection of the book devoted to all the Bonanza models from 1972 through1990, but a good part of the book is about life at Beech AircraftCorporation as Bonanza customer service representative, Assistant Bonanzasales manager, Regional manager, North Central Region, Assistant Bonanzaand Debonair sales manager, Program manager for the Bonanza, BeechcraftHawker 125 completion center manager, and finally Program manager, Bonanzaand Baron. In this book you will learn how the Model 36 Bonanza came aboutwhat cause the Aerobatic Bonanza to be developed more on the V-Tail how thevertical instrument program came to be the name change from Debonair toBonanza what happened to the Beechcraft 38P Lightning why the G33 Bonanzaand much more. There is also a section on Bonanza and Travel Air designconcepts studied from 1946 through 1968 by Engineerings preliminary designgroup. I received many interesting letters after "Those IncomparableBonanzas" was published, from engineers and experimental test pilotsinvolved in the creation of the design. I want to share these letters withyou they are included. Whether you now own a Beechcraft Bonanza, have ownedone in the past, or might own one in the future you will enjoy this book.

ISBN: 0911978054


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