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Cover Type: Softcover
Book Condition: Good
Jacket Condition: None Issued
Publisher: Harper Collins
Publisher Place: Sydney
Publisher Year: 2006
Edition: First Edition

Description: 580 pages. Book is in general good condition. There is some light reading wear present, but still a presentable copy.

Publishers Description: "What we have, we hold."Motto of Australias 2/17th BattalionIn the tradition of his bestselling Kokoda, Peter FitzSimons, Australias most beloved popular historian, focuses on one of the seminal moments in Australian history: the Battle of tobruk in 1941, in which more than 15 000 Australian troopsbacked by British artilleryfought in excruciating desert heat through eight long months, against Adolf Hitlers formidable Afrika Korps. During the dark heart of World War II, when Hitler turned his attention to conquering North Africa, a distracted and far-flung Allied force could not give its all to the defence of Libya. So the job was left to the roughest, toughest bunch that could be mustered: the Australian Imperial Force. the AIFs defence of the harbour city of Tobruk against the Afrika Korps armoured division is not only the stuff of Australian legend, it is one of the great battles of all time, as against the might of General Rommel and his Panzers. The Australians relied on one factor in particular to give them the necessary strength against the enemy: mateship.Drawing on extensive source materialincluding diaries and letters, many never published beforethis extraordinary book, written in Peter FitzSimons highly readable style, is the definitive account of this remarkable chapter in Australias history.Foreword by Manfred Rommel.

ISBN: 9780732286316


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