Wednesdays With Bob

Hawke Bob, Rielly Derek

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Cover Type: Hardcover
Book Condition: As New
Jacket Condition: As New
Publisher: Pan Macmillan
Publisher Place: Sydney
Publisher Year: 2017
Edition: First Edition

Description: 301 pages. Book and Jacket appear to have hardly been read and are both in As new condition throughout.

Publishers Description: On Wednesdays, Robert J. Hawke - Australias 23rd and oldest living prime minister - has welcomed Derek Rielly into his home to share fine cigars and irreverent conversation. On a sun-soaked balcony, the maverick young writer and the charismatic old master talk life, death, love, sex, religion, politics, sport ... and everything in between.On other days, to paint his subjects enigma from the outside, Rielly interviews Hawkes Liberal MP rival John Howard, Labor allies Gareth Evans and Kim Beazley, wife and lover Blanche dAlpuget, live-in stepson Louis Pratt, and friends - diplomat Richard Woolcott, economist Ross Garnaut, advertising guru John Singleton, and longtime mate Col Cunningham.The result is an extraordinary portrait of a beloved Australian - a strange, funny, uniquely personal study of Bob Hawke ruminating on his (and our) past, present and future.

ISBN: 9781760554262


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