History - Africa


Kenya Past And Present. Issue 6, 1975

MacCasier Chrssee, Martin Perry, Balcomb Victoria


Remaking Africa

Heseltine Nigel


A Short History Of Africa

Oliver Roland, Fage J. D



Squandering Eden. Africa At The Edge

Rosenblum Mort, Williamson Doug


The Black Spear

Roberts Esther


Whispers From A Continent

Cartey Wilfred


African One-Party States

Carter Gwendolen M


An Atlas of African Affairs

Griffiths, Ieuan L. L


Hungry Future

Dumont Rene and Rosier Bernard


Squandering Eden. Africa At The Edge

Rosenblum Mort, Williamson Doug


Wild Africa's Silent Call

Townsend Derek, Scott Peter


Women In Tanzania. An Analytical Bibliography

Mascarenhas Ophelia, Mbilinya Marjorie
